I have S. to thank for the fantastic blog name. I am writing this as a glorified scrapbook; for no one other than S., me, Darla, Hudson & Everett. My goal is to have something to look back on that gives glimpses of our story as Taylors; to remind S. & I about God's faithfulness in our journey, and to teach our kids about how God's hand has been in their lives since before they were born.
I told S. that I wanted a name that reflected God's abundance in our lives. We are always blessed beyond what we could ever muster in ourselves. At the same time I wanted something that shows the craziness that is our life with 3 kids 4 and under, doing full time ministry, walking in faith the way we do. It's a walk that entails bumps, blessing, messes, and it includes a lot of coffee. So... this blog was named.
Love the name, love the pictures, love the thoughts, love you!